We think it's ours.

Of course we know that taking care of the environment is a shared responsibility, but first and foremost we believe that as a business we must be accountable for the impact we have on the planet.

Reducing the carbon impact of a traditional, water-filled shampoo bottle is the premise that Everist was built on. From there we've dug in and scrutinized every element of our business to have the smallest carbon footprint possible. Producing our products locally in North America (the majority of our suppliers are within a 70 mile radius) allows us to drastically reduce our shipping impact as well as have a high level of involvement in the creation process.

Of course, when doing business there will always be some unavoidable carbon impact. To offset this we partnered with Bluebird Climate to calculate our emissions and purchase carbon credits from SeaTrees to become carbon neutral.


We're proudly carbon neutral.

We’ve chosen to measure our carbon footprint with Bluebird Climate to ensure that we are capturing our impact as accurately as possible.

Bluebird helps us measure our total carbon footprint and showcase waste and emissions on a product-level so we can be more transparent and make informed decisions throughout our supply chain. We then offset our measured emissions by purchasing verified carbon credits from SeaTrees. Through this SeaTrees partnership, we have also become an Ocean Positive+ Verified brand, helping us go beyond typical offsets by ensuring our credits go towards regenerative projects that have the potential to remove an additional tonne of CO2 over their lifetime. In addition to this, we are constantly focused on innovating to reduce our carbon footprint. We think this is an equally important piece of the equation.

Give Back

Our Projects

Through our SeaTrees partnership, two projects are being supported helping conserve forest ecosystems in Cambodia and Kenya.

1. The Southern Cardamom REDD+ program that focuses on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation developed by the UNFCC. This program is certified by both VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) and CCBA (The Climate, Community & Biodiversity Alliance), and produces 3.5 million metric tons of carbon credits per year. It also helps to protect habitat for critically endangered species, like the Irrawaddy dolphin and Malaysian sun bear. This program also provides 200+ jobs, education and healthcare benefits for 16,000+ people in the local community.

2. Restoring mangrove ecosystems and supporting local livelihoods in Mida Creek. This program helps to create meaningful employment for more than 200 people and provides resources for local education. It also protects local villages from storm surges and sea-level rise, while also serving as critical nursery grounds for fish and shellfish increasing local marine productivity. Each mangrove planted also has the potential to sequester approximately 300kg of carbon dioxide over the 25-year life of the tree.